
Setting manager table functions

Function Description
SetMan.Save() Save settings.
SetMan.GetMOTD() Return actual MOTD.
SetMan.SetMOTD(sString) Set MOTD. <html></html> is not allowed.
SetMan.GetBool(iBoolId) Return true or nil for given identificator.
SetMan.SetBool(iBoolId, bBoolean) Set boolean value for given identificator.
SetMan.GetNumber(iNumberId) Return value for given identificator.
SetMan.SetNumber(iNumberId, iNumber) Set value for given identificator.
SetMan.GetString(iStringId) Return string or nil for given identificator.
SetMan.SetString(iStringId, sString) Set string for given identificator.
SetMan.GetMinShare() Return min share in bytes.
SetMan.SetMinShare(iShareInBytes) Set min share in bytes.
SetMan.SetMinShare(iMinShare, iShareUnits) iMinShare max is 9999. iShareUnits 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB
SetMan.GetMaxShare() Return max share in bytes.
SetMan.SetMaxShare(iShareInBytes) Set max share in bytes.
SetMan.SetMaxShare(iMaxShare, iShareUnits) iMaxShare max is 9999. iShareUnits 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB
SetMan.SetHubSlotRatio(iHubs, iSlots) Set hub/slot ratio.
SetMan.GetOpChat() Return table with sNick, sDescription, sEmail, bEnabled.
SetMan.SetOpChat(bEnabled, sNewOpChatName, sNewDescription, sNewEmail) Max length of string is 64 chars !!! In nick is not allowed $<html></html><>:?*“/\ and space. In Description and Email is not allowed $ and <html></html>. Return nil when failed, true when success.
SetMan.GetHubBot() Return table with sNick, sDescription, sEmail, bEnabled, bUsedAsHubSecAlias.
SetMan.SetHubBot(bEnabled, sNewHubBotName, sNewDescription, sNewEmail, bUseAsHubSecAlias) Max length of string is 64 chars !!! In nick is not allowed $<html></html><>:?*”/\ and space. In Description and Email is not allowed $ and <html></html>. Return nil when failed, true when success.
luaapi/px_setman.txt · Last modified: 16/06/2015 14:03 by ppk