
Setting numbers identificators

Identificator Description
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxUsersMax users limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.MinShareLimitMin share limit. Max 9999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MinShareUnitsMin share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB. Max 4.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxShareLimitMax share limit. Max 9999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxShareUnitsMax share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB. Max 4.
SetMan.tNumbers.MinSlotsLimitMin slots limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSlotsLimitMax slots limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.HubSlotRatioHubsHubs for hub/slot ratio.
SetMan.tNumbers.HubSlotRatioSlotsSlots for hub/slot ratio.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxHubsLimitMax hubs limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.NoTagOptionNo tag option. 0 = accept, 1 = reject, 2 = redirect. Max 2.
SetMan.tNumbers.LongMyinfoOptionSend full MyINFO to… 0 = to all, 1 = to profile, 2 = to none. Max 2.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxChatLenMax chat length limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxChatLinesMax chat lines limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPmLenMax private message length limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPmLinesMax private message lines limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.DefaultTempBanTimeDefault tempban time. Must be higher than 0.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPasiveSrMax passive search replys limit.
SetMan.tNumbers.MyInfoDelayTime before new MyINFO from user is accepted for broadcast.
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatMessagesMain chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatTimeMain chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatActionMain chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMainChatMessagesSame main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMainChatTimeSame main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMainChatActionSame main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiMainChatMessagesSame multiline main chat deflood messages count. Min 2, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiMainChatLinesSame multiline main chat deflood lines. Min 2, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiMainChatActionSame multiline main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmMessagesPrivate message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmTimePrivate message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmActionPrivate message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SamePmMessagesSame private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SamePmTimeSame private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SamePmActionSame private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiPmMessagesSame multiline private message deflood messages count. Min 2, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiPmLinesSame multiline private message deflood lines. Min 2, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiPmActionSame multiline private message action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchMessagesSearch deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchTimeSearch deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchActionSearch deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameSearchMessagesSame search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameSearchTimeSame search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SameSearchActionSame search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoMessagesMyINFO deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoTimeMyINFO deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoActionMyINFO deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.GetnicklistMessagesGetNickList deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.GetnicklistTimeGetNickList deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.GetnicklistActionGetNickList deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.NewConnectionsCountConnection deflood connecions count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.NewConnectionsTimeConnection deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.DefloodWarningCountDeflood warnings count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.DefloodWarningActionDeflood warnings action. 0 = disconnect, 1 = kick, 2 = tempban, 3 = permban. Max 3.
SetMan.tNumbers.DefloodTempBanTimeDeflood tempban time. Higher than 0.
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatMessagesGlobal main chat messages count. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatTimeGlobal main chat time. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatTimeoutGlobal main chat timeout. Higher than 0, max 999.
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatActionGlobal main chat action. 0 = disabled, 1 = lock chat, 2 = send to ops with ips. Max 2.
SetMan.tNumbers.MinSearchLenMin search length.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSearchLenMax search length.
SetMan.tNumbers.MinNickLenMin nick length. Max 64.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxNickLenMax nick length. Max 64.
SetMan.tNumbers.BruteForcePassProtectBanTypeBrute force password protection ban type. 0 = disabled, 1 = permban, 2 = tempban. Max 2.
SetMan.tNumbers.BruteForcePassProtectTempBanTimeBrute force password protection temp ban time. Higher than 0.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPmCountToUserMax pm count to same user per minute.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSimultaneousLoginsMax simultaneous logins. Higher than 0, max 500.
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatMessages2Secondary main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatTime2Secondary main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatAction2Secondary main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmMessages2Secondary private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmTime2Secondary private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmAction2Secondary private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchMessages2Secondary search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchTime2Secondary search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchAction2Secondary search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoMessages2Secondary myINFO deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoTime2Secondary myINFO deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoAction2Secondary myINFO deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxMyinfoLenMaximum MyINFO length. Min 64, max 512.
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmMessagesPrimary ConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmTimePrimary ConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmActionPrimary ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmMessages2Secondary ConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmTime2Secondary ConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmAction2Secondary ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmMessagesPrimary RevConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmTimePrimary RevConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmActionPrimary RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmMessages2Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmTime2Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmAction2Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxCtmLenMaximum ConnectToMe length. Higher than 0, max 512.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxRctmLenMaximum RevConnectToMe length. Higher than 0, max 512.
SetMan.tNumbers.SrMessagesPrimary SR deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SrTimePrimary SR deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SrActionPrimary SR deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.SrMessages2Secondary SR deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SrTime2Secondary SR deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SrAction2Secondary SR deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSrLenMaximum SR length. Higher than 0, max 8192.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownActionPrimary received data deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownKBPrimary received data deflood kB. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownTimePrimary received data deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownAction2Secondary received data deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownKB2Secondary received data deflood kB. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownTime2Secondary received data deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.ChatIntervalMessagesChat messages interval messages. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.ChatIntervalTimeChat messages interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmIntervalMessagesPrivate messages interval messages. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.PmIntervalTimePrivate messages interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchIntervalMessagesSearch interval count. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchIntervalTimeSearch interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999.
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxConnsSameIpMaximum connections from same IP.
SetMan.tNumbers.MinReconnTimeMinimum reconnect time in seconds. Higher than 0, max 256.
SetMan.tNumbers.DbRemoveOldRecordsRemove records older than x days from database.
luaapi/setting_numbers_ids.txt · Last modified: 02/04/2017 10:26 by ppk