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User table

Value Description
sNickUser nick.
sIPUser ip address.
uptrMemory address to original user data structure, for internal PtokaX use. Don't modify it, else user functions will not work.
iProfileUser profile.

Data available after Core.GetUserAllData or Core.GetUserData call:

Value Description
sModeUser mode (from tag) or nil when user don't have tag or mode in tag.
sMyInfoStringUser MYINFO string or nil when user don't send MyINFO yet.
sDescriptionUser description or nil when user don't have description.
sTagUser tag or nil when user don't have tag.
sConnectionUser connection or nil when user don't have connection.
sEmailUser email or nil when user don't have email.
sClientUser client (from tag) or nil when user don't have tag.
sClientVersionUser client version (from tag) or nil when user don't have tag.
sVersionUser version (from $Version) or nil when user don't send Version.
sCountryCodeUser country code or nil when ip-to-country database is not loaded.
bConnectedUser is added in hub (visible for other users, added is after User/Reg/OpConnected).
bActivetrue when user is active (from tag or is sending active commands) or nil when is not active.
bOperatorUser have operator status.
bUserCommandUser support UserCommands protocol extension.
bQuickListUser support QuickList protocol extension.
bSuspiciousTagUser have suspicious tag.
iShareSizeUser share size.
iHubsUser hubs count (from tag).
iNormalHubsUser hubs without registration count (from tag) or nil if user don't have tag or have old-style (only H:x) tag.
iRegHubsUser hubs with registration count (from tag) or nil if user don't have tag or have old-style (only H:x) tag.
iOpHubsUser hubs with operator status (from tag) or nil if user don't have tag or have old-style (only H:x) tag.
iSlotsUser slots count (from tag).
iLlimitUser L or B limit (from tag).
iDefloodWarnsUser deflood warns count.
iMagicByteNumber of ascii char after connection in myinfo.
iLoginTimeUser login time in seconds from 1.1.1970.
tIPsTable with one or more user IP addresses.
luaapi/user_table.txt · Last modified: 20/06/2014 20:36 by ppk