
Timer manager table functions

Function Description
TmrMan.AddTimer(iTimerInterval)Add new timer for script. iTimerInterval is in ms. Return nil when failed or uTimerId when success.
TmrMan.AddTimer(iTimerInterval, fFunction)Add new timer for script. iTimerInterval is in ms. fFunction is Lua function called by this timer. Return nil when failed or uTimerId when success.
TmrMan.AddTimer(iTimerInterval, sFunctionName)Add new timer for script. iTimerInterval is in ms. sFunctionName is name of function called by this timer. Return nil when failed or uTimerId when success.
TmrMan.RemoveTimer(uTimerId)Remove timer with given ID from script.
luaapi/px_tmrman.txt · Last modified: 16/06/2015 14:03 by ppk