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Bans manager metatable functions

Function Description
BanMan.Save() Save bans.

BanMan.GetBans()Return table with ban tables.
BanMan.GetTempBans()Return table with ban tables.
BanMan.GetPermBans()Return table with ban tables.

BanMan.GetBan(sNick/sIP)Return ban table with ban for given nick or nil when not exist. Return table with ban table(s) with ban(s) for given ip or nil when not exist.
BanMan.GetPermBan(sNick/sIP)Return ban table with permban for given nick or nil when not exist. Return table with ban table(s) with permban(s) for given ip or nil when not exist.
BanMan.GetTempBan(sNick/sIP)Return ban table with tempban for given nick or nil when not exist. Return table with ban table(s) with tempban(s) for given ip or nil when not exist.

BanMan.GetRangeBans()Return table with range ban tables.
BanMan.GetTempRangeBans()Return table with range ban tables.
BanMan.GetPermRangeBans()Return table with range ban tables.

BanMan.GetRangeBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo)Return range ban table with rangeban for given range or nil when not exist.
BanMan.GetRangePermBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo)Return range ban table with rangepermban for given range or nil when not exist.
BanMan.GetRangeTempBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo)Return range ban table with rangetempban for given range or nil when not exist.

BanMan.Unban(sNick/sIP)Unban ban with given nick or ip. Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.UnbanPerm(sNick/sIP)Unban permban with given nick or ip. Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.UnbanTemp(sNick/sIP)Unban tempban with given nick or ip. Return nil when failed, true if success.

BanMan.UnbanAll(sIP)Unban all bans with given ip.
BanMan.UnbanPermAll(sIP)Unban all permbans with given ip.
BanMan.UnbanTempAll(sIP)Unban all tempbans with given ip.

BanMan.RangeUnban(sIPFrom, sIPTo)Unban range ban with given range. Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.RangeUnbanPerm(sIPFrom, sIPTo)Unban permanent range ban with given range. Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.RangeUnbanTemp(sIPFrom, sIPTo)Unban temporary range ban with given range. Return nil when failed, true if success.

BanMan.ClearBans()Clear all bans.
BanMan.ClearPermBans()Clear all perm bans.
BanMan.ClearTempBans()Clear all temp bans.

BanMan.ClearRangeBans()Clear all range bans.
BanMan.ClearRangePermBans()Clear all range perm bans.
BanMan.ClearRangeTempBans()Clear all range temp bans.

BanMan.Ban(tUser, sReason, sBy, bFull)Perm ban user IP and Nick. Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.BanIP(sIP, sReason, sBy, bFull)Perm ban given ip. Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.BanNick(sNick, sReason, sBy)Perm ban given nick. Return nil when failed, true if success.

BanMan.TempBan(tUser, nTime, sReason, sBy, bFull)Temp ban user IP and Nick. nTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.TempBanIP(sIP, nTime, sReason, sBy, bFull)Temp ban given ip. nTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.TempBanNick(sNick, nTime, sReason, sBy)Temp ban given nick. nTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success.

BanMan.RangeBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo, sReason, sBy, bFull)Range perm ban given range. Return nil when failed, true if success.
BanMan.RangeTempBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo, nTime, sReason, sBy, bFull)Range temp ban given range. nTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success.
luaapi/px_banman.1350188373.txt.gz · Last modified: 14/10/2012 04:19 by ppk