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Compile on Haiku

This guide was tested on clean installation of Haiku R1/Alpha 4.1.
Everything is done from command line, that means everything can be done over ssh on remote server.
Important note: Because of Haiku limitations is PtokaX compiled without password hashing feature. When you have Registered Users with hashed password, then they can't be used on Haiku!

1. Prerequisites.

For PtokaX compile you need Lua (programming language used for scripting).
They can be installed using package manager (Note: to install packages using package manager you need root permissions).

  • a. Lua
    Install it with command: installoptionalpackage -a lua

2. Downloading source and compile.

  • a. PtokaX source
    Download it with command: wget <html><b></b></html>
    Unpack downloaded archive with command: tar -xf
    Now we have in actual directory new directory PtokaX. Go to that directory with command: cd PtokaX
  • b. PtokaX compile
    Compile PtokaX with command: make haiku

3. Setup and run.

guides/haiku.1439708210.txt.gz · Last modified: 16/08/2015 06:56 by ppk