Setting strings identificators

Identificator Description
SetMan.tStrings.HubNameHub name. Min length 1, max 256.
SetMan.tStrings.AdminNickAdmin nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ is not allowed.
SetMan.tStrings.HubAddressHub address. Min length 1, max 256.
SetMan.tStrings.TCPPortsTCP ports. Min length 1, max 64.
SetMan.tStrings.UDPPortUDP port. Min length 1, max 5.
SetMan.tStrings.HubDescriptionHub description. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.MainRedirectAddressMain redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.HublistRegisterAddressesHublist register servers. Max length 1024.
SetMan.tStrings.RegOnlyMessageRegistered users only message. Min length 1, max 256.
SetMan.tStrings.RegOnlyRedirAddressRegistered users only redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.HubTopicHub topic. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.ShareLimitMessageShare limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min share size and %[max] for max share size.
SetMan.tStrings.ShareLimitRedirAddressShare limit redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.SlotLimitMessageSlot limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min slots and %[max] for max slots.
SetMan.tStrings.SlotLimitRedirAddressSlot limit redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.HubSlotRatioMessageHub/slot ratio limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[hubs] for hubs and %[slots] for slots.
SetMan.tStrings.HubSlotRatioRedirAddressHub/slot ratio limit redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.MaxHubsLimitMessageMax hubs limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[hubs] for max hubs.
SetMan.tStrings.MaxHubsLimitRedirAddressMax hubs limit redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.NoTagMessageNo tag rule message. Min length 1, max 256.
SetMan.tStrings.NoTagRedirAddressNo tag rule redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.HubBotNickHub bot nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ and space is not allowed.
SetMan.tStrings.HubBotDescriptionHub bot description. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.
SetMan.tStrings.HubBotEmailHub bot email. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.
SetMan.tStrings.OpChatNickOpChat bot nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ and space is not allowed.
SetMan.tStrings.OpChatDescriptionOpChat bot description. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.
SetMan.tStrings.OpChatEmailOpChat bot email. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.
SetMan.tStrings.TempBanRedirAddressTemp ban redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.PermBanRedirAddressPerm ban redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.ChatCommandsPrefixesChat commands prefixes. Min length 1, max 5.
SetMan.tStrings.HubOwnerEmailHub owner email. Max length 64.
SetMan.tStrings.NickLimitMessageNick limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min length and %[max] for max length.
SetMan.tStrings.NickLimitRedirAddressNick limit redirect address. Max length 256.
SetMan.tStrings.MessageToAddToBanMessageAdditional message to ban message. Max lenght 256.
SetMan.tStrings.LanguageLanguage. When language is default then return nil.
SetMan.tStrings.IPv4AddressTCP/IP version 4 address.
SetMan.tStrings.IPv6AddressTCP/IP version 6 address.
SetMan.tStrings.EncodingCharacter encoding for non-unicode texts.
SetMan.tStrings.PostgresHostPostgreSQL host.
SetMan.tStrings.PostgresPortPostgreSQL port.
SetMan.tStrings.PostgresDBNamePostgreSQL database name.
SetMan.tStrings.PostgresUserPostgreSQL database user.
SetMan.tStrings.PostgresPassPostgreSQL database password.
SetMan.tStrings.MySQLHostMySQL host.
SetMan.tStrings.MySQLPortMySQL port.
SetMan.tStrings.MySQLDBNameMySQL database name.
SetMan.tStrings.MySQLUserMySQL database user.
SetMan.tStrings.MySQLPassMySQL database password.