Identificator | Description |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxUsers | Max users limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MinShareLimit | Min share limit. Max 9999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MinShareUnits | Min share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB. Max 4. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxShareLimit | Max share limit. Max 9999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxShareUnits | Max share units. 0 = B, 1 = kB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB, 4 = TB. Max 4. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MinSlotsLimit | Min slots limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSlotsLimit | Max slots limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.HubSlotRatioHubs | Hubs for hub/slot ratio. |
SetMan.tNumbers.HubSlotRatioSlots | Slots for hub/slot ratio. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxHubsLimit | Max hubs limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.NoTagOption | No tag option. 0 = accept, 1 = reject, 2 = redirect. Max 2. |
SetMan.tNumbers.LongMyinfoOption | Send full MyINFO to… 0 = to all, 1 = to profile, 2 = to none. Max 2. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxChatLen | Max chat length limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxChatLines | Max chat lines limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPmLen | Max private message length limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPmLines | Max private message lines limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.DefaultTempBanTime | Default tempban time. Must be higher than 0. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPasiveSr | Max passive search replys limit. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MyInfoDelay | Time before new MyINFO from user is accepted for broadcast. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatMessages | Main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatTime | Main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatAction | Main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMainChatMessages | Same main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMainChatTime | Same main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMainChatAction | Same main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiMainChatMessages | Same multiline main chat deflood messages count. Min 2, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiMainChatLines | Same multiline main chat deflood lines. Min 2, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiMainChatAction | Same multiline main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmMessages | Private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmTime | Private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmAction | Private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SamePmMessages | Same private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SamePmTime | Same private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SamePmAction | Same private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiPmMessages | Same multiline private message deflood messages count. Min 2, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiPmLines | Same multiline private message deflood lines. Min 2, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameMultiPmAction | Same multiline private message action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchMessages | Search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchTime | Search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchAction | Search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameSearchMessages | Same search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameSearchTime | Same search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SameSearchAction | Same search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoMessages | MyINFO deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoTime | MyINFO deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoAction | MyINFO deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.GetnicklistMessages | GetNickList deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.GetnicklistTime | GetNickList deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.GetnicklistAction | GetNickList deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.NewConnectionsCount | Connection deflood connecions count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.NewConnectionsTime | Connection deflood time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.DefloodWarningCount | Deflood warnings count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.DefloodWarningAction | Deflood warnings action. 0 = disconnect, 1 = kick, 2 = tempban, 3 = permban. Max 3. |
SetMan.tNumbers.DefloodTempBanTime | Deflood tempban time. Higher than 0. |
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatMessages | Global main chat messages count. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatTime | Global main chat time. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatTimeout | Global main chat timeout. Higher than 0, max 999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.GlobalMainChatAction | Global main chat action. 0 = disabled, 1 = lock chat, 2 = send to ops with ips. Max 2. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MinSearchLen | Min search length. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSearchLen | Max search length. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MinNickLen | Min nick length. Max 64. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxNickLen | Max nick length. Max 64. |
SetMan.tNumbers.BruteForcePassProtectBanType | Brute force password protection ban type. 0 = disabled, 1 = permban, 2 = tempban. Max 2. |
SetMan.tNumbers.BruteForcePassProtectTempBanTime | Brute force password protection temp ban time. Higher than 0. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxPmCountToUser | Max pm count to same user per minute. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSimultaneousLogins | Max simultaneous logins. Higher than 0, max 500. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatMessages2 | Secondary main chat deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatTime2 | Secondary main chat deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MainChatAction2 | Secondary main chat deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmMessages2 | Secondary private message deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmTime2 | Secondary private message deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmAction2 | Secondary private message deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchMessages2 | Secondary search deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchTime2 | Secondary search deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchAction2 | Secondary search deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoMessages2 | Secondary myINFO deflood messages count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoTime2 | Secondary myINFO deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MyinfoAction2 | Secondary myINFO deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxMyinfoLen | Maximum MyINFO length. Min 64, max 512. |
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmMessages | Primary ConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmTime | Primary ConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmAction | Primary ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmMessages2 | Secondary ConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmTime2 | Secondary ConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.CtmAction2 | Secondary ConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmMessages | Primary RevConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmTime | Primary RevConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmAction | Primary RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmMessages2 | Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmTime2 | Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.RctmAction2 | Secondary RevConnectToMe deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxCtmLen | Maximum ConnectToMe length. Higher than 0, max 512. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxRctmLen | Maximum RevConnectToMe length. Higher than 0, max 512. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SrMessages | Primary SR deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SrTime | Primary SR deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SrAction | Primary SR deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SrMessages2 | Secondary SR deflood count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SrTime2 | Secondary SR deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SrAction2 | Secondary SR deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxSrLen | Maximum SR length. Higher than 0, max 8192. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownAction | Primary received data deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownKB | Primary received data deflood kB. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownTime | Primary received data deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownAction2 | Secondary received data deflood action. 0 = disabled, 1 = ignore, 2 = warn, 3 = disconnect, 4 = kick, 5 = tempban, 6 = permban. Max 6. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownKB2 | Secondary received data deflood kB. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxDownTime2 | Secondary received data deflood time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.ChatIntervalMessages | Chat messages interval messages. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.ChatIntervalTime | Chat messages interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmIntervalMessages | Private messages interval messages. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.PmIntervalTime | Private messages interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchIntervalMessages | Search interval count. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.SearchIntervalTime | Search interval time. Higher than 0, max 29999. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MaxConnsSameIp | Maximum connections from same IP. |
SetMan.tNumbers.MinReconnTime | Minimum reconnect time in seconds. Higher than 0, max 256. |
SetMan.tNumbers.DbRemoveOldRecords | Remove records older than x days from database. |