Function | Description |
BanMan.Save() | Save bans. |
| |
BanMan.GetBans() | Return table with ban tables. |
BanMan.GetTempBans() | Return table with ban tables. |
BanMan.GetPermBans() | Return table with ban tables. |
| |
BanMan.GetBan(sNick/sIP) | Return ban table with ban for given nick or nil when not exist. Return table with ban table(s) with ban(s) for given ip or nil when not exist. |
BanMan.GetPermBan(sNick/sIP) | Return ban table with permban for given nick or nil when not exist. Return table with ban table(s) with permban(s) for given ip or nil when not exist. |
BanMan.GetTempBan(sNick/sIP) | Return ban table with tempban for given nick or nil when not exist. Return table with ban table(s) with tempban(s) for given ip or nil when not exist. |
| |
BanMan.GetRangeBans() | Return table with range ban tables. |
BanMan.GetTempRangeBans() | Return table with range ban tables. |
BanMan.GetPermRangeBans() | Return table with range ban tables. |
| |
BanMan.GetRangeBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo) | Return range ban table with rangeban for given range or nil when not exist. |
BanMan.GetRangePermBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo) | Return range ban table with rangepermban for given range or nil when not exist. |
BanMan.GetRangeTempBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo) | Return range ban table with rangetempban for given range or nil when not exist. |
| |
BanMan.Unban(sNick/sIP) | Unban ban with given nick or ip. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.UnbanPerm(sNick/sIP) | Unban permban with given nick or ip. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.UnbanTemp(sNick/sIP) | Unban tempban with given nick or ip. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
| |
BanMan.UnbanAll(sIP) | Unban all bans with given ip. |
BanMan.UnbanPermAll(sIP) | Unban all permbans with given ip. |
BanMan.UnbanTempAll(sIP) | Unban all tempbans with given ip. |
| |
BanMan.RangeUnban(sIPFrom, sIPTo) | Unban range ban with given range. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.RangeUnbanPerm(sIPFrom, sIPTo) | Unban permanent range ban with given range. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.RangeUnbanTemp(sIPFrom, sIPTo) | Unban temporary range ban with given range. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
| |
BanMan.ClearBans() | Clear all bans. |
BanMan.ClearPermBans() | Clear all perm bans. |
BanMan.ClearTempBans() | Clear all temp bans. |
| |
BanMan.ClearRangeBans() | Clear all range bans. |
BanMan.ClearRangePermBans() | Clear all range perm bans. |
BanMan.ClearRangeTempBans() | Clear all range temp bans. |
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BanMan.Ban(tUser, sReason, sBy, bFull) | Perm ban user IP and Nick. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.BanIP(sIP, sReason, sBy, bFull) | Perm ban given ip. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.BanNick(sNick, sReason, sBy) | Perm ban given nick. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
| |
BanMan.TempBan(tUser, iTime, sReason, sBy, bFull) | Temp ban user IP and Nick. iTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.TempBanIP(sIP, iTime, sReason, sBy, bFull) | Temp ban given ip. iTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.TempBanNick(sNick, iTime, sReason, sBy) | Temp ban given nick. iTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success. |
| |
BanMan.RangeBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo, sReason, sBy, bFull) | Range perm ban given range. Return nil when failed, true if success. |
BanMan.RangeTempBan(sIPFrom, sIPTo, iTime, sReason, sBy, bFull) | Range temp ban given range. iTime is in minutes (0 = default tempban time from settings) ! Return nil when failed, true if success. |