====== User table ====== ^ Value ^ Description ^ |sNick|User nick.| |sIP|User ip address.| |uptr|Memory address to original user data structure, for internal PtokaX use. Don't modify it, else user functions will not work.| |iProfile|User profile.| ---- ==== Data available after Core.GetUserAllData or Core.GetUserData call: ==== ^ Value ^ Description ^ |sMode|User mode (from tag) or nil when user don't have tag or mode in tag.| |sMyInfoString|User MYINFO string or nil when user don't send MyINFO yet.| |sDescription|User description or nil when user don't have description.| |sTag|User tag or nil when user don't have tag.| |sConnection|User connection or nil when user don't have connection.| |sEmail|User email or nil when user don't have email.| |sClient|User client (from tag) or nil when user don't have tag.| |sClientVersion|User client version (from tag) or nil when user don't have tag.| |sVersion|User version (from $Version) or nil when user don't send Version.| |sCountryCode|User country code or nil when ip-to-country database is not loaded.| | | | |bConnected|User is added in hub (visible for other users, added is after User/Reg/OpConnected).| |bActive|true when user is active (from tag or is sending active commands) or nil when is not active.| |bOperator|User have operator status.| |bUserCommand|User support UserCommands protocol extension.| |bQuickList|User support QuickList protocol extension.| |bSuspiciousTag|User have suspicious tag.| | | | |iShareSize|User share size.| |iHubs|User hubs count (from tag).| |iNormalHubs|User hubs without registration count (from tag) or nil if user don't have tag or have old-style (only H:x) tag.| |iRegHubs|User hubs with registration count (from tag) or nil if user don't have tag or have old-style (only H:x) tag.| |iOpHubs|User hubs with operator status (from tag) or nil if user don't have tag or have old-style (only H:x) tag.| |iSlots|User slots count (from tag).| |iLlimit|User L or B limit (from tag).| |iDefloodWarns|User deflood warns count.| |iMagicByte|Number of ascii char after connection in myinfo.| |iLoginTime|User login time in seconds from 1.1.1970.| | | | |tIPs|Table with one or more user IP addresses.|