====== Setting strings identificators ====== ^ Identificator ^ Description ^ |SetMan.tStrings.HubName|Hub name. Min length 1, max 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.AdminNick|Admin nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ is not allowed.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubAddress|Hub address. Min length 1, max 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.TCPPorts|TCP ports. Min length 1, max 64.| |SetMan.tStrings.UDPPort|UDP port. Min length 1, max 5.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubDescription|Hub description. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.MainRedirectAddress|Main redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.HublistRegisterAddresses|Hublist register servers. Max length 1024.| |SetMan.tStrings.RegOnlyMessage|Registered users only message. Min length 1, max 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.RegOnlyRedirAddress|Registered users only redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubTopic|Hub topic. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.ShareLimitMessage|Share limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min share size and %[max] for max share size.| |SetMan.tStrings.ShareLimitRedirAddress|Share limit redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.SlotLimitMessage|Slot limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min slots and %[max] for max slots.| |SetMan.tStrings.SlotLimitRedirAddress|Slot limit redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubSlotRatioMessage|Hub/slot ratio limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[hubs] for hubs and %[slots] for slots.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubSlotRatioRedirAddress|Hub/slot ratio limit redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.MaxHubsLimitMessage|Max hubs limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[hubs] for max hubs.| |SetMan.tStrings.MaxHubsLimitRedirAddress|Max hubs limit redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.NoTagMessage|No tag rule message. Min length 1, max 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.NoTagRedirAddress|No tag rule redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubBotNick|Hub bot nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ and space is not allowed.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubBotDescription|Hub bot description. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubBotEmail|Hub bot email. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.| |SetMan.tStrings.OpChatNick|OpChat bot nick. Min length 1, max 64, $ and space is not allowed.| |SetMan.tStrings.OpChatDescription|OpChat bot description. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.| |SetMan.tStrings.OpChatEmail|OpChat bot email. Max length 64, $ is not allowed.| |SetMan.tStrings.TempBanRedirAddress|Temp ban redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.PermBanRedirAddress|Perm ban redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.ChatCommandsPrefixes|Chat commands prefixes. Min length 1, max 5.| |SetMan.tStrings.HubOwnerEmail|Hub owner email. Max length 64.| |SetMan.tStrings.NickLimitMessage|Nick limit message. Min length 1, max 256. Use %[min] for min length and %[max] for max length.| |SetMan.tStrings.NickLimitRedirAddress|Nick limit redirect address. Max length 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.MessageToAddToBanMessage|Additional message to ban message. Max lenght 256.| |SetMan.tStrings.Language|Language. When language is default then return nil.| |SetMan.tStrings.IPv4Address|TCP/IP version 4 address.| |SetMan.tStrings.IPv6Address|TCP/IP version 6 address.| |SetMan.tStrings.Encoding|Character encoding for non-unicode texts.| |SetMan.tStrings.PostgresHost|PostgreSQL host.| |SetMan.tStrings.PostgresPort|PostgreSQL port.| |SetMan.tStrings.PostgresDBName|PostgreSQL database name.| |SetMan.tStrings.PostgresUser|PostgreSQL database user.| |SetMan.tStrings.PostgresPass|PostgreSQL database password.| |SetMan.tStrings.MySQLHost|MySQL host.| |SetMan.tStrings.MySQLPort|MySQL port.| |SetMan.tStrings.MySQLDBName|MySQL database name.| |SetMan.tStrings.MySQLUser|MySQL database user.| |SetMan.tStrings.MySQLPass|MySQL database password.|