====== PtokaX changelog ====== ==== Next Release... ==== ==== 29 December 2022 ==== Added: Support for Lua 5.4.\\ Fixed: Missing reason from !tembanip and !fulltempbanip command (thx The-Master for report).\\ Fixed: Move up/down script in gui caused invalid memory usage for disabled script (thx The-Master for report).\\ Fixed: Not working SQL wildcards in !getipinfo command (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Crash when script stopped next running script in some cases (thx Cęńoßy†ę for report).\\ Fixed: Crash on script error in OnTimer when timer was removed (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixes: C stack overflow, invalid share and user count. Caused by Disconnect from Lua scipt called in (Op, Reg, User)Disconnect (thx Cęńoßy†ę for report).\\ Fixed: Issues with Ban commands caused wrong nick and reason length counting (thx [NL]-Quasar for report).\\ Fixed: OP was able to redirect yourself (thx Cęńoßy†ę for report).\\ ==== 11 April 2017 ==== Added: Reconnect to database on connection failure or connection lost.\\ Fixed: Compile for Windows 10 IoT.\\ Fixed: Typo in server manager and resource leak in sqlite on exit (thx Pavel Pimenov for report).\\ Fixed: Incorrect long length message when incomplete search command was received (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Search request was sent to users without share (thx Pavel Pimenov for report).\\ Fixed: Missing $ValidateDenide when user use nick that is in reserved nicks (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Extra pipe in !checknickban result (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: IP and Port check in DC commands. (thx Mank and Rolex for report).\\ Fixed: Missing IP check for validity in some hub commands.\\ Fixed: Empty password received from user was not checked properly and accepted as new password for reg.\\ Fixed: Bandwidth waste, when IPv6 user send search request with IPv4 address.\\ Fixed: Possible crash on hublist registration (thx Pavel Pimenov for report).\\ Fixed: Bind to single IP caused bind to all addresses when IPv6 address was empty.\\ Fixed: Typo in scripting interface. MaxSlotsLimt -> MaxSlotsLimit (thx Cęńoßy†ę for report).\\ Changed: Log script errors is enabled by default for PtokaX versions without GUI. ==== 3 September 2015 ==== Added: Support to build with Lua 5.3 on Debian (Ubuntu, Mint, Dyson...) to makefile (make without param).\\ Added: Disable registration to hublist, when hub address is local/private IP.\\ Changed: Build with Lua 5.1 on Debian (Ubuntu, Mint, Dyson...) now have lua51 param (make lua51).\\ Fixed: Crash when redirect on permanent ban is enabled and permban redirect address is empty and main redirect addres is empty.\\ Fixed: Possible crash or memory corruption on settings messages with possibility to use settings value(s) in them.\\ Fixed: String 'unlimited' was not translated in some settings messages.\\ Fixed: Crash when timer was removed in OnTimer Lua function (thx Cęńoßy†ę for report). ==== 16 August 2015 ==== Added: Support to compile PtokaX on FreeBSD with Lua 5.3.\\ Added: Support to compile PtokaX on Solaris, Fedora, OpenBSD, NetBSD and Mac OS X.\\ Added: Command line menu with configuration and add registered user options to PtokaX service and non-Windows version (-m cmd param).\\ Fixed: Few minor issues in Lua api.\\ Fixed: Compile on FreeBSD 10.1, Haiku, Solaris and illumos.\\ Fixed: Missing checks for $, |, space and length for many settings strings.\\ Fixed: Ban message on some places was truncated to 255 bytes instead of 511.\\ Changed: Timer handling on Unixes.\\ Changed: Settings, Reserved Nicks and Scripts settings files from xml to simple text format.\\ Changed: Profiles and bans files from xml to binary format.\\ Improved: Performance for strings sent to UDP Debug. ==== 30 June 2015 ==== Added: Support for PostgreSQL database to store info about users.\\ Added: Chat command !getipinfo to get info about ip(s) from Database.\\ Added: Support for CTM2HUB.\\ Added: Little time delay before $Lock is sent by hub. That way hub don't sending $Lock if new connection is CTM DDOS (idea from original NeoModus Direct Connect Hub 1.0.25).\\ Added: -p command line param for pid file.\\ Added: Support for SQLite database to store info about users.\\ Added: Support for MySQL/MariaDB database to store info about users.\\ Fixed: Missing settings and profiles identificator tables with Lua 5.1.\\ Fixed: Few bad possitions of gui items in settings window (thx keep_clear for report).\\ Changed: Chat command !getinfo to get info about offline user(s) from Database.\\ Updated: Lua 5.3 to 5.3.1. ==== 20 February 2015 ==== Added: install part to makefile including setcap allowing PtokaX to listen on ports below 1024 without running as privileged user (require capabilities support, libcap2-bin in debian).\\ Added: hublist.te-home.net and dc.gwhublist.com to default hublist register addresses.\\ Added: init script for *nix.\\ Added: Port validity checking in commands to disallow exploit that can be used to ddos in dc++ core.\\ Added: Tables with definitions for SetMan booleans, numbers and strings identificators.\\ Added: Table with definitions for ProfMan permissions identificators.\\ Fixed: User profile is set after correct password is received to disable possible exploit in scripts (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Missing hub bot key after nick change when opchat have same nick.\\ Fixed: Possible crash on closing some gui windows (thx Alex82 for report).\\ Fixed: Directory/file permissions on *nix.\\ Fixed: Partial IP was shown as wrong when IPv6 user without IPv4 connection sent IPv4 address in command (thx Mank for report).\\ Fixed: Possible crash when new throw exception on memory failure.\\ Fixed: Few possible issues found by PVS studio (thx Pavel Pimenov for report).\\ Fixed: Memory access outside array in script editor window on load/save (thx Pavel Pimenov for report).\\ Fixed: User who was allowed to kick can ban and tempban user without permissions for ban and tempban (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Range ban and range temp ban command was not working for IPv6 addresses longer than 15 characters (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Few possible memory leaks when memory allocation fail.\\ Fixed: On !rangeban command when range was already banned was sent wrong second message (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Active search character counting for ipv6 request when ip is very short.\\ Other: Some minor performance improvements. ==== 13 April 2014 ==== Added: Makefile recursion to automatically compile skein and tinyxml on unix os.\\ Fixed: When xml file fail to load then it is reported and not silently replaced with default (thx dmvn for report).\\ Fixed: Missing $MyINFO for bot in some cases (thx Alexey and alex82 for report).\\ Fixed: Not working change password in some cases (thx zog for report).\\ Fixed: Crash on bans loading in some cases.\\ Fixed: Max users logins in gui range (thx alex82 for report).\\ Fixed: NoBadCharsInNick language string has obsolete chars (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: !tempban with offline user and wrong time value was returning !nicktempban message (thx sphinx for report).\\ Fixed: Change password for registered user from Lua (thx alex82 for report).\\ Fixed: When hub description was removed then after restart was changed to default one (thx alex82 for report).\\ Fixed: Missing $OpList and/or $UserIP in some cases (thx alex82 for report).\\ Fixed: Few compiler warning in ubuntu.\\ Changed: os.exit in Lua now correctly shutdown PtokaX. ==== 11 December 2013 ==== Added: White space characters (ascii chars below 32) are not allowed in nicks anymore.\\ Added: Option to store passwords for registered users as hashes.\\ Added: Registered users autosave after every 100 regs changes and every 15 minutes when regs change.\\ Added: AddTimer(iTimerInterval, fFunction) to Lua api.\\ Added: ProfMan.RemoveProfile in Lua api now accept profile number as param.\\ Added: Error message on script error now contains traceback, when available.\\ Fixed: IpToCountry for IPv4 ignored first and last ip in country range (thx Alexey and alex82 for report).\\ Fixed: Crash in windows version when script send some global data as reaction to chat without blocking it (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Wrong chat lines order when multiple messages was received in one loop and script send global data reply for one of them.\\ Fixed: On hub bot nick change old bot was not removed from userlist (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Few other issues related to hub bot nick and info changes.\\ Fixed: Issues related to OpChat bot nick and info changes.\\ Fixed: 64bit windoze build was limited to only 2 GB of memory.\\ Fixed: Lua float/integer types for better performance with Lua 5.3.\\ Fixed: Issues with signals on unix (thx dmvn for report).\\ Fixed: Broken text input boxes in settings window in some cases.\\ Fixed: Never ending loop on reading of registered users file longer than 128 kB (thx dmvn for report). ==== 23 December 2012 ==== Added: Core.SetUserInfo call to Lua api.\\ Added: IDs 28 - 42 for Core.GetUserValue Lua api call (see Lua API docs).\\ Added: IPv6 support to sockets.\\ Added: IPv6 support to bans and range bans.\\ Added: IPv6 country database support.\\ Added: IPv6 client to client connections support.\\ Added: IPv6 search support.\\ Added: IP64 and IPv4 protocol extensions support.\\ Added: Check for IPv4 connection for user connected to hub by IPv6.\\ Added: IPv4 client connection support for users connected to hub by IPv6 when IPv4 connection check success.\\ Added: IPv4 search support for users connected to hub by IPv6 when IPv4 connection check success.\\ Added: Setting for manual IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.\\ Added: Both IP addresses to !getinfo command for users with IPv6 and IPv4 connection available.\\ Added: Both IP addresses to !myip command for users with IPv6 and IPv4 connection available.\\ Added: Core.GetHubIPs to Lua API.\\ Added: tUser.tIPs to Lua API.\\ Added: Missing end line dots on some hub commands reply (thx Alexey for report).\\ Added: RegUser hub command. OP need to provide online nick and profile. Hub will ask user for password and after password is entered then user is added to registered users.\\ Added: IP in $Search and $ConnectToMe commands is replaced with correct one when user send wrong IP.\\ Added: Smart searching for IPv6 users with IPv4 support.\\ Added: IP2Country now work for 6to4 and Teredo connections.\\ Added: IP2Country.Reload to Lua api.\\ Added: RegMan.AddReg now support second syntax RegMan.AddReg(sNick, nProfileNumber). That way user is asked for password and registered after he send it.\\ Added: Users connected with IPv6 using 6to4 or teredo tunneling have automatically IPv4 active connection available without need to support any protocol extension.\\ Added: Targets to makefile.\\ Added: Lua 5.2.x support.\\ Changed: Country database for IPv4 from ip-to-country to IpToCountry (http://software77.net/geo-ip/).\\ Changed: Not allowed chars in nick to only space, pipe and dollar. Only those protocol disallow. Issues with other chars is client work.\\ Changed: Max simultaneous logins value from 500 to 1000.\\ Changed: UserDisconnected is now called when user is disconnected by script in User/Reg/OpConnected.\\ Changed: Max send buffer size on small hubs from 128 kB to 256 kB.\\ Changed: Disabled keep slow client online for clients with zpipe support.\\ Changed: Memory allocation failures checking. When memory allocation fail then user who caused that is disconnected and hub not crash.\\ Changed: Line ending to \n on windoze.\\ Changed: Registered users are now stored in binary file instead of xml.\\ Changed: !ban and !tempban now working for offline nicks and create nickban for them.\\ Fixed: TmrMan.RemoveTimer Lua api call in windoze version (thx Cęńoßy+ę for report).\\ Fixed: MOTD was not updated after change in gui (thx mappy for report).\\ Fixed: Few settings was not updated after change in gui.\\ Fixed: Buggy chat input line after using some settings pages (thx The-Master for report).\\ Fixed: All strict aliasing issues with GCC 02 and higher optimization level compile.\\ Fixed: Core.GetUsersCount can in rare cases have different user count than number of users returned by Core.GetOnlineUsers.\\ Fixed: Crash on script error loging in some cases.\\ Fixed: Memory leak in users and bans ip hashtables.\\ Fixed: Bug in gui initialisation causing rare termination on startup.\\ Fixed: Incorrect translation of "full" in ban commands (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Shutdown with ctrl+c on non-windows OS (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Crash in Lua 5.1 on invalid conversion specifier in os.date (fix from Lua 5.2).\\ Fixed: Buggy search length checking for active and passive users (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Compile with Clang compiler on Linux.\\ Fixed: Message returned on !clrrangetempbans (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Rare case when short myinfo was sent to ops when they should get long myinfo.\\ Fixed: Error message on script syntax checking when PtokaX api call is outside function.\\ Fixed: Doubleclick in gui on script now open script editor only when it is not on checkbox.\\ Fixed: !nickban and !nicktempban allowed to ban user with higher profile when he was offline.\\ Fixed: Reply to chat from Lua script was sent before that chat (ie from talkbot).\\ Fixed: Missing GB translation in !getinfo command (thx Alexey for report).\\ Fixed: Compile errors on Haiku OS.\\ Removed: All info related to old ip-to-country database.\\ Removed: Obsolete client tags.\\ Removed: Obsolete setting to accept unknown tag.\\ Rewritten: Global data queues for better IPv6 support.\\ Updated: makefile to work with buggy gold linker.\\ Updated: zlib to 1.2.7.\\ Updated: Lua 5.1 to 5.1.5. ==== 11 September 2011 ==== Added: Missing PtokaX icon to 64bit service binary.\\ Added: Project files for visual studio 2010.\\ Added: Crash log generation to new gui windows version.\\ Added: Core.GetUserValue(tUser, 27) return user MAC Address when it is possible.\\ Added: Enabled Data Execution Prevention for 32bit windoze version when system support that. \\ Added: Line numbers to script editor.\\ Added: Column sorting to registered users list in registered users window.\\ Added: Filter to registered users window.\\ Added: Column sorting to ban list in bans window.\\ Added: Filter to bans window.\\ Added: Build numbering.\\ Added: Column sorting to range ban list in range bans window.\\ Added: Filter to range bans window.\\ Added: DPI awareness.\\ Added: Resizeable splitter to Users/Chat and Scripts pages.\\ Added: Core.BuildNumber returning PtokaX build number to Lua api.\\ Added: Saving of window sizes, column sizes, checkbox states and splitter positions in gui.\\ Added: Command line command /generatexmllanguage to generate english language example.\\ Fixed: Compile with Lua 5.2.0 (beta)\\ Fixed: Missing user input length checking in some commands (thx Rahim for report).\\ Fixed: Multiple class member variables not initialized in the constructor.\\ Fixed: Multiple memory leaks when realloc fails.\\ Fixed: Multiple obsolete usleep functions replaced with nanosleep.\\ Fixed: Multiple redundant check for NULL before free/delete.\\ Fixed: Multiple memory leaks when ip-to-country loading fails.\\ Fixed: Memory leak when script try to reg bot with nick that already exist.\\ Fixed: Memory leak when text file creating fails.\\ Fixed: Integer overflow for temp ban expiring after 03:14:07, January 19, 2038 in 32bit version or 23:59:59, December 31, 3000 in 64bit version (thx Saymon for report).\\ Changed: Windows GUI, from GUI created with Borland VCL to WinAPI GUI.\\ Changed: Some min/max setting values.\\ Changed: Times and dates are now shown in system locale format.\\ Changed: GUI layout to correctly use system font and DPI settings.\\ Changed: On windoze memory allocator for Lua is not part of Lua lib anymore, it is now part of PtokaX.\\ Changed: Default redirect setting and redirect address. Redirect address point to PtokaX alpha test hub.\\ Improved: Update checking. Now using HTTP 1.1, update file is simple text file instead of xml.\\ Removed: Setting for send userip to user on login, it is send always when client corretly indicate UserIP2 in supports.\\ Removed: Setting to popup scripts window on script error, it is obsolete with new GUI.\\ Rewritten: Resolve code from deprecated gethostbyname to getaddrinfo.\\ Updated: TinyXML to 2.6.2\\ Updated: Zlib to 1.2.5.\\ Patched: Lua with official patch from http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.lua.general/76868 ==== 9.Jan.2010 ==== Added: http://board.ptokax.ch/index.php/topic,7477.0.html with default disabled.\\ Added: Crash log generation to 64bit windows version.\\ Added: Detection of Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2 and improved Windows XP x64 detection.\\ Added: ProfMan.Save() to lua interface.\\ Added: Missing setlocale.\\ Fixed: Numbers instead of boolean in some lua values.\\ Fixed: Crash in 64bit windows version.\\ Fixed: Wrongly disallowed $ in password, protocol allow it.\\ Fixed: Compilation on Nexenta.\\ Removed: Auto save of regs after add/change/del Reg. ==== 21.Jun.2008 ==== Fixed: High cpu usage when udp port bind failed (thx §hĺdýlĺdý™ for report).\\ Fixed: Missing password checking for not allowed pipe char, removed checking for other chars.\\ Fixed: Missing nick checking for not allowed chars in !addreguser command.\\ Fixed: Freeze on year or longer tempban in win versions (thx dmvn for report). ==== 1.Jun.2008 ==== Added: Core.ResumeAccepts() to resume listening thread(s) when they are suspended.\\ Added: 2 level limit of received kB of data from user per time.\\ Added: Second deflood level for most old defloods.\\ Added: 2 level ConnectToMe and RevConectToMe deflood.\\ Added: 2 level search reply deflood.\\ Added: Main chat, private message and search intervals.\\ Added: Profile permissions for no CTM/RCTM/SR defloods.\\ Added: Profile permissions for no received kB of data deflood from user.\\ Added: Profile permissions for no Chat/PM/Search intervals.\\ Added: Command length limits for MyINFO/CTM/RCTM/SR.\\ Added: Hub name to PtokaX window caption.\\ Added: Max connected users limit from same IP + profile permission for that.\\ Added: Core.GetUsers returning online users with given IP.\\ Added: Minimum reconnect time + profile permission for that.\\ Added: Profile rename to gui.\\ Added: ScriptMan.GetScript() to lua interface.\\ Added: IP-to-Country support.\\ Added: sCountryCode to user table in lua.\\ Added: IP2Country to lua with functions to get country code and country name.\\ Added: Country code to string returned by !getinfo command.\\ Added: ScriptMan.Refresh() to lua interface.\\ Added: Option to log script errors.\\ Added: -c command line parameter to service/nix version to set config directory.\\ Added: -d command line parameter to nix version to run as daemon.\\ Added: When PtokaX is terminated on nix by signal then it is saved to log.\\ Added: Script memory usage to !getscripts.\\ Added: Few working hublist register addresses.\\ Fixed: Initial temp ban year in gui was always 2007 instead of actual year.\\ Fixed: Crash in gui version on ScriptMan.MoveUp and ScriptMan.MoveDown when script use them in OnStartup and scripts window is opened (thx Z˙gđ†† and Twisted-devil for report).\\ Fixed: Never ending loop caused by multiple script processing when using MoveDown (thx Z˙gđ†† for report).\\ Fixed: Lua was able to change language to not existant one (thx CrazyGuy for report).\\ Fixed: Crash on exit when default hub-security nick was used (thx ']['yphoon for report).\\ Fixed: Crash on loading xml file with comments (thx Rag3Rac3r for report).\\ Fixed: Some ScriptMan functions not working in OnStartup (thx CrazyGuy for report).\\ Changed: Core.SuspendAccepts can be now used without value to suspend listening thread(s).\\ Changed: When user send incorrect ip in CTM/Search is now disconnected.\\ Changed: Chat commands to ban ip now cause disconnect of all users with that ip address.\\ Changed: UDP port now can be disabled by set it to 0 and it is disabled by default.\\ Changed: Default profile permissions.\\ Improved: Message when user send incorrect ip in CTM/Search now contains ip from command, user ip.\\ Rewritten: Deflood internals, less code, maybe better performance, fixed multiple bugs in old deflood.\\ Rewritten: Threads and critical sections from borland components to clean winapi.\\ Rewritten: Nick hashtables (for userlist, reglist, nickbanlist) for better performance.\\ Rewritten: Last few borland components in core replaced with winapi calls.\\ Rewritten: Receiving of data to UDP port, moved from main thread to new thread.\\ Removed: Reading of old ini and dat config files.\\ New version: Version for windows without gui running from console or as windows service.\\ New version: Version for posix compatible os (tested on Linux x86, Linux x86-64, freeBSD x86).\\ New version: x86-64 version for windows without gui running from console or as windows service. ==== 24.Feb.2008 ==== Added: Setting manager, complete replacement for old setting system.\\ Added: Posibility to change 99.9% of settings without hub restart.\\ Added: Open in external editor to script menu (request by bastya_elvtars).\\ Added: Core.Shutdown() for clean hub shutdown (request by KofolaMaster).\\ Added: Core.GetBots() to get al bots registered by scripts (request by CrazyGuy).\\ Added: SetMan.Save(), RegMan.Save(), BanMan.Save().\\ Added: ScriptMan metatable with GetScripts, MoveUp/Down, Start/Stop/Restart script to lua.\\ Added: Script delete to script menu (request by (uk)jay).\\ Added: MoveUp and MoveDown to ProfMan in lua (request by Rag3Rac3r).\\ Added: Option to popup scripts frame on script error.\\ Added: Support for _BAN_ and _BAN_time in kick messages to add custom perm and temp ban after kick.\\ Added: Add, change and remove for (range)bans to gui.\\ Added: User count to welcome message (request by ptaczek).\\ Fixed: Small bug in tempban, causing delete of permbans on same ip (thx the_pest for report).\\ Fixed: Crash on rangeunban with bad parameters (thx amenay for report).\\ Fixed: Crash in same pm deflood (thx nikita800 for report).\\ Fixed: Duplicite ban message on nicktempban (thx fane for report).\\ Fixed: Accepting language, script or text file with wrong file extension.\\ Fixed: Bugs in registered user profile changing related to OP/OpChat permissions (thx plop for report).\\ Fixed: Crash on set all/clear all profile permissions in some cases (thx hanger 13 for report).\\ Fixed: Bugs in server thread causing memory corruption in some cases.\\ Fixed: Missing profile change when registered user was removed from gui and was online (thx CrazyGuy for report).\\ Fixed: Crashes on loading corrupted xml files.\\ Changed: Setting were removed from main frame and new setting frame for them was created.\\ Changed: Few small things in gui, many internal changes in code.\\ Changed: Component for debug log creating.\\ Changed: Update check complete rewritten to use winsock instead of indy component.\\ Changed: Lua interface, complete rewrite.\\ Changed: Profile moving is now possible when hub is running.\\ Changed: Tray icon tooltip message, now contains hubname.\\ Removed: Few things was lost on settings rewrite (chat log, nick rule, webserver...).\\ Removed: Possibility to use |, space and white chars in profile names (thx Hungarista for report).\\ Upgraded: Lua to 5.1.3. ==== 12.May.2007 ==== Added: Missing $HubIsFull DC command (bug found by Hungarista).\\ Added: Possibility to make language translations.\\ Added: Mising $Close Direct Connect command + arrival to lua + permission for profiles.\\ Added: Debug output to debug.log when memory allocations failed, or some other things fail.\\ Added: Confirmation dialog for redirect all users from gui with line for redirect address (request by amenay).\\ Fixed: Update check no more block hub startup when new version is available (thx Typhoon for report).\\ Fixed: Crashing on some hub commands when you try to use them on yourself (thx CrazyGuy for report).\\ Fixed: Memory corrupting on registering to udp-debug.\\ Fixed: Memory corrupting on big hubs when opchat is enabled.\\ Fixed: Memory corrupting when script tryed to use user:something and user is no more online.\\ Fixed: Max private message length limit checking (thx CrazyGuy/Fane for report).\\ Fixed: Buffer overflow on some bad Direct Connect commands.\\ Fixed: Crash on !drop command when user is not online.\\ Fixed: Memory corrupting by "keep slow clients online".\\ Fixed: Few memory leaks in banlist when similar ban already exist.\\ Fixed: Memory leak caused by lua bot in reserved nicks.\\ Fixed: Long delay on userlist refresh when hub don't have other data to send.\\ Fixed: Bug in $GetNickList deflood (thx nikita800 for report).\\ Fixed: Wrong profiles (causing crashes) for online users when profile is deleted and it is not last profile.\\ Fixed: Wrong profiles (causing crashes when user login) in registered users list when profile is deleted and it is not last profile.\\ Fixed: Not working banip when ip have tempban (thx proud for report).\\ Fixed: 100 % cpu usage when one of secondary ports is already in use (thx Headbengertje for report).\\ Fixed: crash on divide by zero in lua (thx Rincewind for report).\\ Changed: Profile manager partially rewritten, splited to core and gui.\\ Improved: "keep slow clients online" to lower data loses.\\ Improved: Search requests caching... ==== 1.Nov.2006 ==== Added: GetDisableMOTD, SetDisableMOTD to lua interface (request by Snooze).\\ Added: GetMOTD, SetMOTD, GetSendMOTDinPM, SetSendMOTDinPM to lua interface.\\ Added: ChangeRegUser to lua.\\ Added: Save setting button to gui.\\ Added: SuspendAccepts(iTime) to lua for suspending listening sockets when hub is attacked.\\ Added: iLoginTime to userobject in lua.\\ Added: Option for reporting suspicious tags.\\ Added: Advanced password protection (thx plop for idea).\\ Added: SendToOpChat to luainterface.\\ Added: Option to accept tag from unknown client as valid when have all needed parts.\\ Added: Option to check ip in connect and search commands.\\ Added: Permission for profile to not check IP.\\ Fixed: Few bugs related to reserved nicks (thx -RICK- for report).\\ Fixed: Memory usage caused with deflood, when data no longer needed.\\ Fixed: $Multi Direct Connect Commands to be DC++ compatible.\\ Fixed: More bugs related to kick and ban from gui.\\ Fixed: Missing kick message when op kick user from inbuild client kick.\\ Fixed: Sending userip to user before userlist, now is corectly after (thx CrazyGuy for report).\\ Changed: Memory allocations, for lower memory usage.\\ Changed: Hublist registering, complete new code.\\ Changed: Result for !getinfo command + added login time.\\ Improved: Protocol commands parsing, faster and better catching corupted commands.\\ Removed: Possibility of AddRegUser in lua to overwrite existing reg. ==== 15.Jul.2006 ==== Added: Limit of Private Messages received by one user per minute.\\ Fixed: Crash in deflood (thx -RICK- for report and testing).\\ Changed: Private Messages processing, for better deflooding. ==== 24.Jun.2006 ==== Added: ZPipe (and ZPipe0) support -> data compression using zlib (with saved data counter).\\ Added: GetAutoRegister to lua (request by Hungarista).\\ Added: Max users logins per 10 seconds settings to gui and Lua.\\ Added: UDPSRArrival to lua.\\ Added: Max limit (16) for script bots to disallow fake users.\\ Added: GetDefaultTempBanTime() and SetDefaultTempBanTime() to lua (request by UwV).\\ Fixed: Not working "no main chat deflood" and "no private message deflood" for multiline messages (thx ']['yphoon™ for report).\\ Fixed: Bug in changing registered nick in gui (thx GeceBekcisi and ruler for report).\\ Fixed: Not working address for hublist register with port (thx Pothead for report).\\ Fixed: Saving to system.log (thx plop for report).\\ Fixed: Buggy GetTempBannedItemTime (thx ']['yphoon™ for report).\\ Fixed: Bug in addreguser hub command and addreguser in lua (thx GeceBekcisi for report).\\ Fixed: Bug in nick hashing (thx [SK]2qq2q for report).\\ Fixed: Buffer overflow on !massmsg (thx netcelli for report).\\ Fixed: Buffer overflow on !opmassmsg.\\ Fixed: Not working frmHub:SetBanMsgAddMsg (thx Hungarista for report).\\ Fixed: Missing status messages if send status to OPs is enabled and user is not OP.\\ Fixed: Crash on bad $SR returned to UDP.\\ Fixed: Uptime counter.\\ Fixed: Problem with '\0' character in incoming data.\\ Fixed: "Lag" on !me hub command when text files are disabled (big thanks to NTF-Archive for testing).\\ Changed: Complete rewrite of data queues.\\ Changed: Send full myinfo to OPs is now to allowed profiles.\\ Updated: Lua to 5.1.1 ...\\ Removed: Absolete Maxlogins setting. ==== 24.Dec.2005 ==== Added: Goofy++ to default client tags (request by Carraya).\\ Added: Better and faster banlist.\\ Added: !getbans, !getpermbans, !gettempbans.\\ Added: !clrtempbans, !clrpermbans.\\ Added: !tempbanip